Sunday, February 10, 2008

unreleased titles of Resident Evil(aka biohazard) games.

This is a great video collection that consists of all the resident evil aka biohazard games that were being made and then did not fully develop into a game.

As you can see, some were even made into beta versions and then didn't see the light and it makes me sad as a huge RE fan.

My personal favorites are Resident Evil 4 beta and Resident Evil gbc. RE 4 beta reminds me of slient hill and I would have bought Resident Evil gbc version no matter what the rating was.

They should also make a new resident evil online game!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Cartoon about U.S. Education

This is a cartoon about U.S education. It's trying to lead students to places but it's just not working out. Soon, the riches will take private tutoring and stay rich by becoming educated while the poor can study hard but will fail and stay poor unless the US education changes.